Serious Illness Conversation Guide (SICG) and Shared Goals of Care: An Introduction
- 12.30pm–4.00pm
- NBPH, 281 Queen Street, Richmond, Meeting Room 2
- Registrations close Wednesday 14 May 2025
Mary-Ann Hardcastle
Do you wonder how to start a difficult conversation with your patient?
Are you confident in sharing a patient’s prognosis in a way that makes sense to them, enabling a conversation that explores their fears, worries and treatment preferences?
Nelson Bays Primary Health
Te Whatu Ora Health NZ
NZ Nursing Council
- Describe the evidence-based benefits of serious illness conversations for patients, families and whānau.
- Introduction to the components of the Serious Illness Conversation Guide
- Describe your role in improving serious illness conversations
- Practice using the Serious Illness Conversation Guide
- Application of Serious Illness conversations to Shared goals of care in aged residential care
This 4-hour workshop is open to clinicians who have serious illness/shared goals of care conversations with patients in acute and primary care settings.
Recommended Reading prior to the course:
Shared goals of care using the serious illness conversation guide https://learnonline.health.nz/course/view.php?id=557
Attendance for the full 4 hours is required.
Tea/coffee/water will be available
For more information contact ACP@nbph.org.nz