The Clinical Governance Committee has a role in ensuring the Board fulfils its statutory obligations with regards to Clinical Governance. In this regard, Clinical Governance is defined as:

“A framework through which the organisation is accountable for continually improving the quality of their services (whether directly provided or contracted) and safeguarding high standards of care by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish.”

The Clinical Governance Committee is responsible for developing strategies to support delivery of the Clinical Governance Framework across the various clinical networks and facilities that exist in the Nelson Bays region, including General Practice, Golden Bay Community Health, Medical and Injury Centre, Nursing, Community Pharmacy, and others as they emerge.

    • On behalf of the NBPH Board, ensure an effective Clinical Governance process – in particular:

      • Safeguarding patients

      • Monitoring and advising on the quality of services provided/contracted/approved at the request of NBPH operational staff

      • Ensuring a culture of continuous quality improvement in respect of services and healthcare professionals, using clinical evidence, best practice and other available resources

    • Contribute to strategic planning at the Board level if requested and embed relevant strategic initiatives into the Clinical Governance Committee

    • Establish clear Terms of Reference for any appropriate sub-groups and monitor their delivery and performance

    • Provide clinical leadership, advice, and insight to NBPH on all relevant clinical and community services

    • Establish protocols that foster clinical participation in the development of clinical programmes across general practice, community pharmacy and other clinical networks as they emerge

    • Support and facilitate the development and maintenance of the shared goals with the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, Marlborough Primary Health, Te Piki Oranga, ToSHA and other organisations that leads to a unified regional healthcare system – within the Nelson Marlborough region

    • Foster and develop integration of services between primary and secondary healthcare services

    • Advise on policies for funding to general practice, community pharmacy and other allied health networks through alignment with the NBPH annual budget setting process

    • Oversee the effective implementation of an annual clinical education plan

    • Initiate a population health focus in the on-going development and delivery of clinical and community services

    • Provide support for the Golden Bay Community Health (GBCH) Clinical Governance Committee and share key clinical reporting from GBCH

    • Foster and support NBPH clinical programmes that present to clinical governance to address Māori Health needs by presenting for review to Te Tumu Whakaora

Meeting Frequencies

The Clinical Governance Committee meets on the third Thursday of the month, 5.30 – 8.00pm (excluding January and December).


To make contact with the Clinical Governance Committee, please contact the Executive Support Manager/EA to Chief Executive: 


The Clinical Governance Committee is made up of:

 Invited Members


 Te Tumu Whakaora


Te Tumu Whakaora has a role in ensuring the Nelson Bays Primary Health Board fulfils its obligations with regards to Whānau Ora, He Korowai Oranga, the Māori Health Strategy to achieve an improvement in the health outcomes for whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori communities.

Whānau ora is a whole organisation responsibility, not just that of Te Tumu Whakaora. For this to succeed, commitment from senior management is critical. The outcome sought is well developed, co-ordinated and supported Māori leadership assisting the organisation to achieve whānau ora through careful programme design and service delivery.  He Korowai Oranga has recently been refreshed and expanded its aim form Whānau Ora to Pae Ora – healthy futures.  Pae oranga has three elements – mauri ora, whānau ora and wai ora.

    • Provide tikanga and a Māori health view to support to NBPH programmes and services

    • Defining the current status of Māori health across the enrolled population

    • Provide Māori clinical leadership, advice, and insight to NBPH on all relevant clinical and community services

    • Seeking clinical and social, cultural, and other evidence to support improvement of Māori health outcomes in the wider community

    • Advising and working on specific activity to support the improvement of Māori health in the Nelson Tasman region

    • Encourage the development and maintenance of the shared goals with Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough, Marlborough Primary Health, Top of the South Health Alliance and other organisations that leads to a unified regional healthcare system – with a specific focus on the relationship between primary and secondary healthcare services

    • Monitor all Nelson Bays Primary Health clinical and community programmes against agreed objectives

    • Provide input into Strategic and Annual Plans and the Top of the South Island Māori health plan

    • Initiate a population health focus in the ongoing development and delivery of clinical and community services

Meeting Frequencies

Te Tumu Whakaora meets on the third Thursday of the month, 3.00 – 5.00pm, every second month.


To make contact with the Clinical Governance Committee, please contact the Executive Support Manager/EA to Chief Executive: