Wayne Thompson


Wayne grew up in Christchurch and after graduating university worked in hotel management and the other areas of the hospitality sector. After some years in hotel management, moved to Wellington where he worked for the then New Zealand Fire Service in several business management roles, culminating as National Manager Volunteers.

In 2003 Wayne relocated to Whanganui where he worked for the Whanganui District Health Board where he worked as the Senior Medical Officer Recruitment & Human Resources Advisor. 

In 2013 Wayne moved to Nelson in 2013 where he worked for the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board as Team Leader Clinical Governance Support.  He returned to Whanganui in 2015 to become a Village Manager for a listed retirement village operator and in 2017 transferred to Christchurch to be general manager for a privately owned retirement village operator. Following this he moved to the Canterbury District Health Board as an Operations Manager.

Wayne commenced at Nelson Bays Primary Health in the new role of Service Development and Project Lead in January 2022.